Sunday, 27 March 2016


Productivity is an economic measure of output per unit of inputs.

Multi-factor productivity can be defined as the ratio of output to many input.

Factors affecting Productivity

  1. Location factors
  2. Technical/Technological factors
  3. Production factors
  4. Government factors
  5. Organisational factors
  6. Personal factors
  7. Financial factors
  8. Management factors
How to improve productivity?
  1. Training. Can improve knowledge and skills of staffs.
  2. Investment in new technologies and new equipment.
  3. Motivate employees.
  4. Delegate task accordingly.
  5. Create a to do list.
  6. Weed out distractions.
  7. Reward for good work.
  8. Take breaks to avoid boredom.

University of Mauritius past papers Question and Answer

May 2013 Q.1 (b)
Q: In order to stay competitive, organizations need to embrace the productivity challenge.  Comment on the factors that affect productivity and using appropriate examples, explain how productivity can be improved. [10 marks] 

A: Factors affecting Productivity

Location factors
Technical/Technological factors
Production factors
Government factors
Organisational factors
Personal factors
Financial factors
Management factors

How to improve productivity?
Training. Can improve knowledge and skills of staffs.
Investment in new technologies and new equipment.
Motivate employees.
Delegate task accordingly.
Create a to do list.
Weed out distractions.
Reward for good work.
Take breaks to avoid boredom.

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